1974-1975 doctoral degrees awarded

Fall 1974 total: 3

Spring 1975 total: 3

Summer 1975 total: 3

Semester Year School Department Last Name First Name Degree Major Supervising Professor Dissertation Title
Fall 1974 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Steiner Maureen PhD Helsley, Charles E. Contributions to Paleomagnetism
Fall 1974 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Abreu Vincent J. PhD Hanson, William B. Study of Photoelectron Fluxes by Incoherent Scatter Techniques
Fall 1974 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Mirza Muhammad Yaqub PhD Collins, Carl B. Multiphoton Ionization of Cesium Through Resonant Dissociative States of Cs2
Spring 1975 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Chen Carton Wen-sheng PhD Bremer, Hans The Transcriptional Map of Bacteriophage T5
Spring 1975 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Young III Ryland Fletcher PhD Bremer, Hans Ribsome Synthesis and Function in Bacteria
Spring 1975 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Bittencourt Jose Augusto PhD Tinsley, Brian A. Determination of Tropical F-Region Winds from Atomic Oxygen Airglow Emissions
Summer 1975 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Meade James Henry PhD Gutz, Herbert Mating-type Mutations in Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Summer 1975 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Ramabhadran Triprayar Venkatachalam PhD Jagger, John Studies of Near-ultraviolet Radiation Induced Growth Delay in Escherichia coli
Summer 1975 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Reeve Scott Cleveland PhD Helsley, Charles E. Paleomagnetic Studies of Sedimentary Rocks of Cambrian and Triassic Age