1979-1980 doctoral degrees awarded

Fall 1979 total: 8

Spring 1980 total: 5

Summer 1980 total: 7

Semester Year School Department Last Name First Name Degree Major Supervising Professor Dissertation Title
Fall 1979 Human Development Communication Disorders Cone Barbara Katherine PhD Moushegian, George The Auditory Evoked Potential of the Human Neonate
Fall 1979 Management International Management Studies Ramsour David Lawrence PhD Guisinger, Stephen E. An Inquiry into the Meaning of and Policy Responses to Country Risk in Bank Credit
Fall 1979 Management International Management Studies Wyatt Steve PhD Miller, Robert Exchange Rates, Equilibrium and Efficiency, A Symmetric Approach
Fall 1979 Management Management and Administrative Sciences Lumley Ross Alton PhD Merville, Larry J. New Uses of Historical Information in Determining Common Stock Values
Fall 1979 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Abdul-Rahman Magda M.T. PhD Cale, Jr., William G. A Eutrophication Model for Lake Ray Hubbard
Fall 1979 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Horvath Peter PhD Latham, Gary V. Analysis of lunar seismic signals – determination of instrumental parameters and seismic velocity distributions
Fall 1979 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Kriausakul Nivat PhD Mitterer, Richard M. Investigation of isoleucine epimerization in model peptides and fossil protein
Fall 1979 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Young Chi-Yuh PhD Ward, Ronald W. Attenuation of teleseismic P-waves within geothermal systems
Spring 1980 Arts and Humanities Humanities Farrell Charlotte Ann PhD Monaco, Paul Ethnobiography: Culture, Myth and Personal History
Spring 1980 Human Development Communication Disorders Bell Hannah Lindbloom PhD Bird, Allan K. Interpretations of Sentences Containing Relative Clauses by School-Age Children
Spring 1980 Management International Management Studies Shahbazi Shahbaz PhD Miller, Robert R. Terms of Trade, National Income and Oil Prices, A Cross Country Analysis
Spring 1980 Management Management and Administrative Sciences Mooney Richard Michael PhD Anderson, Evan E. Information Technology and the Worker: A Multivariate Study
Spring 1980 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Zo Zinntae PhD Cale, Jr., William G. An Ecological Identification System for Marine Planktonic Copepods
Summer 1980 Human Development Communication Disorders Day Patricia Spencer PhD Ulatowska, Hanna Communicative Performance in Young Deaf Children: A Pragmatic Analysis of Structure and Function
Summer 1980 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Baumann Philip Douglas PhD Fenyves, Ervin J. A Methodology for Emission Source Sampling Based Upon Volumetric Flow Analysis
Summer 1980 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Homer David Howard PhD Waller, William T. Oxygen Demand of Dredged Sediments – Field and Laboratory Studies
Summer 1980 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Cunningham, Jr. Robert PhD Mitterer, Richard M. Organic-inorganic interactions of marine humic substances from carbonate sediments: metal binding and absorption studies
Summer 1980 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Mathematical Sciences Fournier Alain PhD Kedem, Zvi Stochastic Modeling in Computer Graphics
Summer 1980 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Mathematical Sciences Fussell Donald Spencer PhD Kedem, Zvi Controlling Concurrency in Database Systems
Summer 1980 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Anderson Jon Alan PhD Collins, Carl B. Dissociative Excitation Spectroscopy of Molecular Cesium