1981-1982 doctoral degrees awarded

Fall 1981 total: 8

Spring 1982 total: 13

Summer 1982 total: 9

Semester Year School Department Last Name First Name Degree Major Supervising Professor Dissertation Title
Fall 1981 Human Development Communication Disorders Marshall Noel Kathleen PhD Stillman, Robert D. Circadian Variation in the Auditory Brainstem Response and its Relationship to Oral Temperature
Fall 1981 Management International Management Studies Green William Lackey PhD Guisinger, Stephen E. A study of fiduciary opinions with respect to specific domestic and international investment vehicles for employee benefit plans
Fall 1981 Management Management Science Shueh Chung-Ting PhD Chandrasekaran, Ramaswamy Efficient Algorithm to Rank Order a Set
Fall 1981 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Allen Erlece Paree Green PhD Moore, Jr., Joe G. Ground water protection from the Federal level, an analysis of the development and implementation of the safe drinking water act
Fall 1981 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Dumas David B. PhD Dorman, H. James Seismicity of West Texas
Fall 1981 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Mathematical Sciences Marco, Jr. Virgil Raymond PhD Odell, Patrick L. On the Estimation of the Proportion Parameters in Mixture Densities
Fall 1981 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Mathematical Sciences Uselton Samuel Parker PhD Applied Mathematics Kedem, Zvi Surface Reconstruction from Limited Information
Fall 1981 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Vicharelli Pablo Alfredo PhD Collins, Carl B. Semiclassical Inversion of Spectral Satellites in Collisional Line Broadening: Application to CsKr
Spring 1982 Arts and Humanities Humanities Satz Martha G. PhD Furst, Lilian R. Deities and translucent volleyballs: an epistemological approach to Pride and Prejudice and “Die Marquise Von O…”
Spring 1982 Human Development Communication Disorders Conrad Susan Lynne PhD Hammer, Edwin K. An Investigation of the Performance Rate of Non-Verbal, Hospitalized Children Using an Electronic Communication System
Spring 1982 Human Development Communication Disorders Conti Gina PhD Friel-Patti, Sandy Mothers in Dialogue: Some Discourse Features of Motherese with Normal and Language Impaired Children
Spring 1982 Management Management Science Jackofsky Ellen Fein PhD Peters, Lawrence H. Integration of Job Performance in the Prediction of Turnover: A Process Model
Spring 1982 Management Management Science McCalla Linda Fay Henley PhD Chandrasekaran,Ramasway/Gonzalez Griddable Graphs: Properties, Algorithms and Complexity
Spring 1982 Management Management Science Rudolf Cathy Jackson PhD Peters,Lawrence H./O’Connor,Edward J. A Longitudinal Investigation of the Psychological Process of Behavioral Commitment
Spring 1982 Management Management Science Sullivan Anthony Dwyer PhD Lutz, Raymond P. Performance Design of Online Systems
Spring 1982 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Ryals John Andrew PhD Bremer, Hans Control of Ribonucleic Acid Synthesis in Escherichia coli by Guanosine Tetraphosphate
Spring 1982 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Hong Ming-Ren PhD Aiken, Carlos L.V. The Inversion of Magnetic and Gravity Anomalies and the Depth to Curie Isotherm
Spring 1982 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Javaherian Abdolrahim PhD Ward, Ronald W. Elimination of spurious reflections from finite-difference synthetic seismograms with applications to the San Andreas fault zone
Spring 1982 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Morin Karen M. PhD Pessagno, Jr., Emile A. Analysis and definition of Campanian (late Cretaceous) radiolarian populations characteristic of tropical to subtropical latitudes
Spring 1982 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Mathematical Sciences Stepoway Stephen Leslie PhD Silberschatz,Abraham/Johnson, Brian Dynamic Resource Management in Multiple-Level Hierarchies
Spring 1982 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Clark Jerry Don PhD Cunningham, Austin J. Excitation Transfer Reactions in Neon Afterglows at 150 degrees K and 300 degrees K and 400 degrees K
Summer 1982 Arts and Humanities Humanities Molanphy Helen Clarke PhD Monaco, Paul Theories of Punishment: The Texas Prison System as a Case Study
Summer 1982 Management Management Science Allie Stephen Michael PhD Bhagat, Rabi S. Organizational and Personal Life Stress and the Role of Moderator Variables in the Prediciton of Burnout, Performance and Serious Illness
Summer 1982 Management Management Science Intille Michael Joseph PhD Merville, Larry J. Current Issues in Electrical Utility Finance Theory and Evidence
Summer 1982 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Gary Michael Harrison PhD Cale, Jr., William G. The Simulation of Nonpoint Nutrient Loading From a Southern Temperate Watershed
Summer 1982 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Idowu Adebayo Aderemi PhD Moore, Jr., Joe G. Coordination of Outer Continental Shelf Petroleum and Natural Gas Development Policy: A Multiphasic Multilateral Balanced Interaction Approach
Summer 1982 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences McNutt James Leslie PhD Netzer, Aharon Granular Activated Carbon and Preozonated Granular Activated Carbon Treatment for Biologically and Physically-Chemically Treated Wastewater Effluents
Summer 1982 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Schulze Daniel James PhD Presnall, Dean C. The petrology of ultramafic xenoliths from the Hamilton Branch Kimberlite Pipe, Elliott County, Kentucky
Summer 1982 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Koblentz Michael Eugene PhD Johnson, Brian W. A Computer Vision System for Surface Mapping of Diffusely Reflecting Three-Dimensional Objects
Summer 1982 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Morrison M. Daniel PhD Cunningham, Austin J. Branching Ratios in Ions of Aeronomic and Planetary Interest