1982-1983 doctoral degrees awarded

Fall 1982 total: 12

Spring 1983 total: 9

Summer 1983 total: 7

Semester Year School Department Last Name First Name Degree Major Supervising Professor Dissertation Title
Fall 1982 Arts and Humanities Humanities Knieff Nancy Jane Shumate PhD Soliday, Gerald L. The Parisian Salon of the Second Empire: A French Cultural Institution in Historical Perspective
Fall 1982 Human Development Communication Disorders Suty Karen A. PhD Friel-Patti, Sandy The Expression of Sentential Relations by Deaf Children Using Signed English
Fall 1982 Management International Management Studies Carter James Elbert PhD Sethi, S. Prakash Variations among executive role strengths in United States firms at different levels of international involvment
Fall 1982 Management International Management Studies Farhandi Ali PhD Guisinger, Stephen Inflation and Relative Prices in Developing Countries
Fall 1982 Management International Management Studies Luther Kusum Amar Nath PhD Miller, Robert Risk and maturity transformation in external financial markets: Eurocurrency banking, 1974-1981
Fall 1982 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Edmondson Stephen P. PhD Gray, Donald M. Structural Studies of the Penicillium Chrysogenum Mycovirus and its Component Double-Stranded RNAS
Fall 1982 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Hoy Cynthia Anne PhD Rupert, Claud Stan Induced Recovery from Near and Far UV Damage in Cultured Marsupial Cells
Fall 1982 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Ross Jeffrey Alan PhD Werbin, Harold N-Acetoxy-Acetylaminofluorene Binding to Chromatin
Fall 1982 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Lin Charng-Ching PhD Glaze, William H. Application of Granular Activated Carbon for Water and Wastewater Purification
Fall 1982 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Samadi Nasrola PhD Fenyves, Ervin J. Measurement of Sr-90 background levels in water, soil and milk around the site of the Comanche Park Stream Electric Station
Fall 1982 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Lin Tzeu-Lie PhD Ward, Ronald W. Simultaneous Inversion of the Three-Dimensional Velocity Structure and Microearthquake Hypocenters in the Coso Geothermal Area and the Geysers-Clear Lake Geothermal Area, California
Fall 1982 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Mathematical Sciences Jennings Linda Wulf PhD Applied Mathematics Wiorkowski, John J. Discrimination Between Gaussian Time Series
Spring 1983 Human Development Communication Disorders Ananthanarayan Ayalur Krishnan PhD Gerken, George M. Alterations in the Auditory Brainstem Evoked Responses in a Forward-Masking Paradigm
Spring 1983 Human Development Communication Disorders Gerling Irvin Joseph PhD Gerken, George M. Auditory Nerve and Brain Stem Response: Stimulus Rate Effects from Persons with Normal and Impaired Auditory Sensitivity
Spring 1983 Human Development Communication Disorders Howell Gailyn Ann PhD Frederickson, Christopher J. Radioisotopic Investigations of Zinc Uptake into Brain Slices
Spring 1983 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Crocker John C. PhD Odell, Patrick L. Ambient ozone control plan for the Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, area based on emission densities of reactive hydrocarbons
Spring 1983 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Lee Chun Jin PhD Odell, Patrick L. A Method for Estimating Human Risk Due to Toxicants
Spring 1983 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Lopez Liisa Maki PhD Hales, Anton L. Earthquake and Nuclear Explosion Location Using the Global Seismic Network
Spring 1983 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Thompson Laird Berry PhD Pessagno, Jr., Emile A. The Campanian Shelf in Northeast Texas
Spring 1983 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Mathematical Sciences Peck Roger Wayne PhD Van Ness, John Confidence Bounds for the Number of Clusters in Cluster Analysis
Spring 1983 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Valladares Cesar Enrique PhD Hanson, William B. Bottomside Sinusoidal Waves, A New Class of Equatorial Plasma Irregularities
Summer 1983 Human Development Communication Disorders Meyers Susan Carol PhD Freeman, Frances J. Stuttering/Disfluency as a Variable of Mother-Child Interaction
Summer 1983 Management Management Science Miller Patricia Murdock PhD Bhagat, Rabi Non-Work Stress, Work Outcomes, Social Support and Organizational Control: an Integration
Summer 1983 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Kan Chen-Chen Jane PhD Marsh, Robert C. Molecular Structure of the Nucleolus of Physarum polycephalum
Summer 1983 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Yee Jiing Kuan PhD Marsh, Robert C. Identification of the origins of T4 DNA replication
Summer 1983 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Mathematical Sciences Chhetry Devendra Bahadur PhD Applied Mathematics Kimeldorf, George Some Concepts of Setwise Positive Dependence
Summer 1983 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Mathematical Sciences Seaman, Jr. John Weldon PhD Odell, Patrick L. Variance Maximizing Distributions and Upper Bounds on the Variance of Functions
Summer 1983 Social Sciences Political Economy Mortazavi Seyed Saeed PhD Ruhter, Wayne E. The Application of the Cost of Capital in Determining a Fair Rate of Return for Public Utilities: A New Approach to Comparative Earnings and Financial Integrity Standards