1985-1986 doctoral degrees awarded

Fall 1985 total: 10

Spring 1986 total: 15

Summer 1986 total: 17

Semester Year School Department Last Name First Name Degree Major Supervising Professor Dissertation Title
Fall 1985 Management International Management Studies Ramakrishnan Kumoli PhD Gusinger, Stephen E. Towards a theory of international banking: an analysis of international banking by U.S. banks
Fall 1985 Management Management Science Allam Mohamed Nabil PhD Buchholz, R.A. An Analytical Study of the Factors Affecting Job Safety in Manufacturing Industries
Fall 1985 Management Management Science Lin Yuh-Yang PhD Pang, Jong-Shi Interative Methods for Large Convex Quadratic Programs
Fall 1985 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Chemistry Moore Douglas Eric D.Chem Caldwell, Richard A. Reactivity in Triplet State [2+2} Photocycloadditions
Fall 1985 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Yimbo Peter Oriwa PhD Cale, William G. Cadmium and lead at two selected roadside sites in Texas: a field and laboratory appraisal of concentration and growth effects
Fall 1985 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Cheng Kuei-Yu Yeh PhD Pessagno, Jr., Emile A. Taxonomic studies of lower Jurassic radiolaria from the Nicely Formation, the Hyde-Formation and the Snowshoe Formation, East-Central Oregon
Fall 1985 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Sprague Anthony Ross PhD Mitterer, Richard M. Depositional Environment and Petrology of the Lower Member of the Pennsylvanian Atoka Formation, Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas and Oklahoma
Fall 1985 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Whalen Patricia Ann PhD Pessagno, Jr., Emile A. Lower Jurassic radiolarian biostratigraphy of the Kunga Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, and the San Hipolito Formation, Baja California Sur
Fall 1985 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Yang Shuyue-Rong PhD Carter, James L. Petrological and geochemical approaches to the origin of the San Angelo-Flowerpot Red Beds (Permian) and their associated stratiform copper mineralizations in North Central Texas and Southwestern Oklahoma
Fall 1985 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Mathematical Sciences Liu Ru-Sheng PhD Computer Science Ntafos, Simeon Partitioning Rectilinear Polygons into Simpler Components
Spring 1986 Arts and Humanities Humanities Ramsey Sarah Margaret Rose PhD History of Ideas Graff, Harvey J. Revolution, Reconciliation and Transition: Organic Philosophy in Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth-Century France
Spring 1986 Human Development Communication Disorders Baker Rochelle Agnes L. PhD Ulatowska, Hanna K. Narrative Discourse Performance in Right Hemisphere Lesioned Stroke Patients
Spring 1986 Human Development Communication Disorders Bond Sandra Little PhD Ulatowska, Hanna K. Reference in Aphasia: Processing of Nouns and Pronouns in Narrative Discourse
Spring 1986 Human Development Communication Disorders Hayashi Mari Miyamoto PhD Ulatowska, Hanna K. Reading Comprehension Abilities of Japanese Aphasics on Narrative Discourse Tasks
Spring 1986 Management Management Science Fields III William Calvin PhD Brush, Donald H. Decision Making of the FASB: An Application of the Constant Comparative Method
Spring 1986 Management Management Science McQuaid Sara J. PhD Bhagat, Rabi S. A Grounded Theory of Midlife Career Change
Spring 1986 Management Management Science Norton John Alan PhD Bass, Frank M./Schultz, Randall L. Growth, Diffusion and Technological Substitution in Industrial Markets: An Examination of the Semiconductor Industry
Spring 1986 Management Management Science Weatherford Alan M. PhD Merville, Larry J. A Comparison of Foreign Currency Option Valuation Models
Spring 1986 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Maher Mary Jo Gallagher PhD Marsh, Robert C. The Physarum Polycephalum Genome: Cloning and Replication
Spring 1986 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Marnell Mary Howard PhD Draper, Rockford K. Mutants Defective in Endocytic Function
Spring 1986 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Smith Robert Powledge PhD Netzer, Aharon Biological activated carbon as tertiary treatment for municipal-industrial wastewater
Spring 1986 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Mathematical Sciences Peng Shietung PhD Computer Science Dekel, Eliezer Solving Tree Problems in Parallel
Spring 1986 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Redfern Francis Reginald PhD Chaney, Roy C. Calculation of the Electronic Structure of Lithium Clusters with the Self-Consistent Linear-Combination-of-Orbitals Method
Spring 1986 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Tober Richard Lee PhD Glosser, Robert Piezoreflectance Studies of Polyacetylene Films
Spring 1986 Social Sciences Political Economy Abou-Settit Mohamad Fouad PhD Redlinger, Lawrence J. Foreign Capital and Economic Performance: The Case of Egypt
Summer 1986 Arts and Humanities Humanities Bartscht Waltraud Erika PhD Studies in Literature Schulte, Rainer Computer Analysis of Multiple Translations: An Alternative Method for Literary Interpretation
Summer 1986 Arts and Humanities Humanities Lovekin David B. PhD History of Ideas Graff, Harvey J./Monaco, Paul Jacques Ellul’s Philosophy of Technical Consciousness
Summer 1986 Arts and Humanities Humanities St. Germain Sheryl Ann PhD Schulte, Rainer Medusa and the struggle toward a feminist vision in twentieth-century American women’s poetry: evolving patterns of verbal and visual responses to Medusa
Summer 1986 Human Development Communication Disorders Arehole Shalini PhD Salvi, Richard J. Evoked Response Forward Masking Function in Normal and Hearing Impaired Chinchillas
Summer 1986 Human Development Communication Disorders Cannito Michael Phillip PhD Gerken, George M. Extralaryngeal Functions in Spasmodic Dysphonia: Vocal Tract and Upper Extremity Control
Summer 1986 Human Development Communication Disorders Yang Edward Yih-Liang PhD Moushegian, George A Developmental Study of Bone Conduction Auditory Brainstem Response in Infant
Summer 1986 Management International Management Studies Bradberry William James PhD Guisinger, Stephen E. U.S. multinational corporate managers’ response to investment incentives and performance requirements
Summer 1986 Management International Management Studies Dawson III Peter Paul PhD Kang, Ho-Sang United States Treasury Regualtion 1.861-8 and Stockholder Returns: An empirical Study
Summer 1986 Management Management Science Dastoor Barbara Riederer PhD Ford, Jr., David L. An Examination of Career Intentions Among Military Officers
Summer 1986 Management Management Science Weekley Jeffry Allen PhD Brush, Donald H./O’Connor, Edward J. The Effects of Rater Training and Situational Constraints on Performance Rating Accuracy and Rater Attributions
Summer 1986 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Shia Shang-Pwu PhD Draper, Rockford K. Characterization of a Modeccin-Resistant Mutant
Summer 1986 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Torczynski Ronald Michael PhD Bollen, A./Miller, D. The Analysis of the Interferon-WA Gene
Summer 1986 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Chen Chen-Hong PhD Presnall, Dean C. Petrology, geochemistry and petrogenesis of ultramafic xenoliths from 1800-1801 Kaupulehu Flow, Hualalai Volcano, Hawaii
Summer 1986 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Hussain Mahbub PhD Warren, John K. Evaporite deposition and source rock evaluation of a Holocene-Pleistocene Continental Sabkha (Salt Flat Playa) in West Texas
Summer 1986 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences MacLeod Norman PhD Pessagno, Emile A. Systematic, Phylogenetic and Morphometric analysis of the Jurassic radiolarian genus Perispyridium Dumitrica
Summer 1986 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Chen Chao-Keng PhD Chaney, Roy C. Calculation of Electronic Structure of Aluminum and Sodium Clusters using the Method of Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals
Summer 1986 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Gylys Vytas Thomas PhD Collins, Carl B. The Importance of Three-Body Reactions in High Pressure Plasmas as Typified by the Helium-Nitrogen System