1988-1989 doctoral degrees awarded

Fall 1988 total: 26

Spring 1989 total: 27

Summer 1989 total: 24

Semester Year School Department Last Name First Name Degree Major Supervising Professor Dissertation Title
Fall 1988 Arts and Humanities Humanities Matijevich Elke PhD Studies in Literature Furst, Lilian R./Ozsvath, Zsuzsanna The German Zeitroman of the Late Weimar Republic
Fall 1988 Human Development Communication Disorders Sturkie Cynthia E. PhD Friel-Patti, Sandy Language Acquisition in Deaf Adolescent Girls
Fall 1988 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Boettcher Flint Arthur PhD Salvi, Richard J. Forward Masking of Single Neurons in the Cochlear Nucleus
Fall 1988 Management Management Science El’hagrasey Galal M. PhD Buchholz, Rogene A. An Analytical Study of the Major Factors Associated with CEO Compensation in Large Manufacturing Corporations
Fall 1988 Management Management Science Keck Kay L. Steeples PhD Bass, Frank M./Rao, Ram Consumer Uncertainty of Novel Technologies: Measurement and Implications for Market Entry and Segmentation
Fall 1988 Management Management Science Parry Mark Edward PhD Bass, Frank M. The Determinants of Pioneer Entry Advantage: A Reappraisal of the Evidence in Consumer and Industrial Markets
Fall 1988 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Colbaugh Penelope Ann PhD Draper, Rockford K. Mutant Chinese Hamster Cells with Defects in Endocytosis
Fall 1988 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Edwards Eric PhD Cell and Molecular Biology Gray, Donald M. An Investigation of the Formation of A T and C C Base Pairs in (A+C+T)-Containing DNA Oligomers
Fall 1988 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Johnson Clayton H. PhD Cell and Molecular Biology Marsh, Robert Identification, Isolation and Partial Characterization of the Tectonins from P. polycephalum
Fall 1988 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Chemistry Allen David R. D.Chem Ferraris, John/Sherry, A. Dean Synthesis and Characterization of New MRI Contrast Agents: NOTMA and NOTPA
Fall 1988 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Chemistry Lopez Flavio Chavez D.Chem Sherry, A. Dean A Simplified Synthetic Route to Polyazamacrocycles
Fall 1988 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Adeshina Femi PhD Moore, Jr., Joe G. Organochlorine Compounds in Human Adipose Tissue and Carcinogenic Risk: A Case Study of Chlordane/Heptachlor
Fall 1988 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Dougherty Joel Marcus PhD Lanza, Guy R. Anaerobic Subsurface Soil Microcosms: The Effect of Anthropogenic Organic Compounds on Microbial Communities
Fall 1988 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Spitzberg David Blair PhD Fenyves, Ervin J. Acute Human Exposure to Natural Uranium Hexafluoride – Study of the Sequoyah Fuels Facility Accident
Fall 1988 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Watson Jane Boughton PhD Lanza, Guy R. Distribution of Indicator Bacteria in a Freshwater Beach and Its Relation to Risk of Swimmer Illness
Fall 1988 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Sun Robert S. PhD McMechan, George A. Numerical Simulation and Imaging of Seismic Wavefields
Fall 1988 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Yang Qun PhD Pessagno, Jr., Emile A. Upper Jurassic (Upper Tithonian) Radiolaria from the Taman Formation, East-Central Mexico
Fall 1988 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Danesh Nasser PhD Cantrell, Cyrus D. Effects of Atomic Motion on Breakup and Propagation of Quadriresonant Laser Pulses
Fall 1988 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Davis Nolan Ray PhD Cantrell, Cyrus D. A Langevin Equation Approach to Squeezed States of Light
Fall 1988 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Lee Wei-Min PhD Cantrell, Cyrus D. Adiabatic Excitation of XF6
Fall 1988 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Reittinger Peter William PhD Collins, Carl B. Nuclear Frequency Modulation Spectrometer for Mossbauer Studies
Fall 1988 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Sinor Timothy Wayne PhD Collins, Carl B. Observation of Large Scale Nuclear Phase
Fall 1988 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Suson Daniel Jeffrey PhD Rindler, Wolfgang Problems in Modern Cosmology
Fall 1988 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Tran Hung Viet PhD Robinson, Ivor The Geometry of Plane Waves in Spaces of Constant Curvature
Fall 1988 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Villalobos-Velasco Jaime PhD Glosser, Robert Production of Palladium-Silver Thin Film Alloys and Measurements of Phase Diagrams of the Pd1-x Agx H System
Fall 1988 Social Sciences Political Economy Smith Richard Joseph PhD Armour, Philip K. The Privatization of Public Hospitals: The Effects on the Medically Indigent
Spring 1989 Arts and Humanities Humanities Keyser Patsy Kilpatrick PhD Worsfold, Victor L. From Angels to Advocates: The Concept of Virtue in Nursing Ethics from 1870 to 1980
Spring 1989 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Badt, Jr. Sig Harold PhD Page, Ivor Temporal Coherence in Ray Tracing
Spring 1989 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Sarkar Shyam Sundar PhD Makedon, Fillia Architecture and Language for a Layered Relational Database
Spring 1989 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Young Gilbert H. PhD Leung, Joseph Y-T. Complexity of Minimizing Makespan and Mean Flow Time
Spring 1989 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Kang Eunsook K. PhD Coleman, J. Michael Mathematical Modeling of Children’s Self-Perceptions Through Covariance Structure Analysis
Spring 1989 Management Management Science Higgins Susan K. PhD Bass, Frank M./Rao, Ram C. An Evaluation of Aggregation Effect in Conditional Logit Estimation of Brand Choice
Spring 1989 Management Management Science Lindholm Hal Robert PhD Ford, David L. The Effect of Race and Gender on Supervisor-Subordinate Relationship: An Integrative Dyadic Perspective
Spring 1989 Management Management Science Pickard Pamela H. PhD Bass, Frank M./Rao, Ram C. Optimal Estimation of Market Share Models
Spring 1989 Management Management Science Tang Yingchan Edwin PhD Bass, Frank M./Holak, Susan L. New Perspective on Competitive Interactions: A Dynamic Warfare Model of the Market Share System
Spring 1989 Management Management Science Younes-Elfakhani Said PhD Merville, Larry J. Dividend Policy Puzzle: The Information Effect and a New Version of the Signaling Theory
Spring 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Tsaur Meei-Ling PhD Clowes, Royston C. Transcriptional Regulation of Exotoxin A in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Spring 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Desmond William Patrick PhD Waller, William T. Methods for Culturing and Estimating Toxicity with Five Day Old Chironomus Tentans and the Incorporation of the Test into the Ceriodaphnia Dubia Survival and Production Protocol
Spring 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Ekisola Olufayo PhD Hill, Brian Temporal Succession in the Benthic Algal Communities of Two Texas Prairie Streams
Spring 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Gardner Thomas J. PhD Hill, Brian Nutrient and Trace Element Uptake in Perennial and Intermittent Texas Streams
Spring 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Haness Steven Jay PhD Warwick, John J. Structural Characteristics of the Hazard Ranking System and Methods for Its Efficient Implementation
Spring 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Henebry Geoffrey Michael PhD Cale, William G. Assessing Model Reliability Under Parameter Uncertainty: Applications to Ecology and Pharmacokinetics
Spring 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Knight John Timothy PhD Waller, Jr., William Characterization of the Addition of Cerophyl to the Selenastrum Capricornutum Diet of Ceriodaphnia Dubia
Spring 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Ramanan Raghavan PhD Crowder, Jerry W. Optimization of Venturi Scrubber Design and Operating Parameters on the Basis of Cost
Spring 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Sutton Vickie Verbyla PhD Moore, Jr., Joe G. Perceptions of Local Emergency Planning Committee Members Responsibility for Risk Communication and a Proposed Model Risk Communication Program for Local Emergency Planning Committees Under SARA, Title III
Spring 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Gaiser James Eric PhD McMechan, George A. Transverse Isotropic Velocity Estimates from Slowness and Displacement Measurements
Spring 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Martinez Ruben Dario PhD McMechan, George A. Modeling and Linear Inversion of r-p Seismic Data for One-Dimensional Viscoelastic Media
Spring 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Mukhopadhyay Biswajit PhD Presnall, Dean C. Part 1 – Petrology and Geochemistry of Mafic and Ultramafic Xenoliths from the Central Sierra Nevada Batholith; Part 2 – Forsterite-Diopside-Spinel-Liquid Equilibria in the System CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 at 20 KBAR
Spring 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Scott, Jr. Thurman Eugene PhD Nielsen, Kent C. The Effects of Porosity on the Mechanics of Faulting in Sandstones
Spring 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Burkey Ronald Steven PhD Cantrell III, Cyrus D. Low-Ranking Driving in Quantum Systems
Spring 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Crenshaw Michael Evan PhD Cantrell III, Cyrus D. Coherent Sideband Generation and Conical Emission as a Result of Pulse Breakup into Solitary Waves
Spring 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Guthrie, Jr. John Allan PhD Cunningham, A.J. Measured Temperature Dependences of Ternary Ion-Molecule Association Reactions Yielding N+3, N+4 and (CO)2
Spring 1989 Social Sciences Political Economy Alozie Nicholas Okeahialam PhD Champagne, Anthony M. Women and Minorities in the Judiciary: An Empirical Examination of the Causes and Consequences of Distributional Patterns
Summer 1989 Arts and Humanities Humanities Hennessee Hella PhD Graff, Harvey/Soliday, Gerald The Politics of Culture: Theater in Nassau, Germany in the 19th Century, A Study in the Relationship Between Elite and Popular Culture
Summer 1989 Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Chern ShyhJy Eric PhD Page, Ivor P. The Generalized Mutual Exclusion Problem in a Computer System
Summer 1989 Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Dingle Adair D’Arcy PhD Sudborough, Ivan Hal Routing and Embedding Problems in VLSI and Parallel Networks
Summer 1989 Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Gewali Laxmi Prasad PhD Ntafos, Simeon Efficient Algorithms for Path Planning and Visibility Problems
Summer 1989 Human Development Communication Disorders Kamen Ruth Saletsky PhD Watson, Ben C. Effects of Long-Term Tracheotomy on Selected Spectral and Temporal Developmental Indices of Speech Production Ability
Summer 1989 Human Development Communication Disorders Reyes Belinda Alvarado PhD Ulatowska, Hanna K. Processing of Prepositions in Spanish-Speaking Aphasics: Effects of Semantic Value and Contextual Information
Summer 1989 Human Development Communication Disorders Warner Klaran McKusick PhD Friel-Patti, Sandy Conversational Characteristics of Mother-Child Dyadic Interaction Involving Two-Year-Olds whose Histories Differ with Respect to OME Occurrence and Hearing Response Levels
Summer 1989 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Palmer Susan Kaye Beck PhD Friel-Patti, Sandy Temperament and Communicative Competence in Early Childhood
Summer 1989 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Wehmeyer Michael Lee PhD Gotts, Ernest A. Repetitive Motor Movements in Young Children at Risk for Severe Developmental Delay: Implications for Pathological Stereotypes in Mental Retardation
Summer 1989 Management Management Science Al-Qatamin Ahmed Atalla A. PhD Buchholz, Rogene A. An Empirical Study of the Determinants of Corporate Strategic Performance in Large Manufacturing Companies
Summer 1989 Management Management Science Lakshminarayanan Sambhavi PhD Chandrasekaran, R. A Rounding Algorithm for Integer Programming and Properties of Hilbert Bases
Summer 1989 Management Management Science Mukerjee Prithwis PhD Chandrasekaran, R. Models, Algorithms and Data Structures for Associative Information Systems
Summer 1989 Management Management Science Zaher Tarek Saad PhD Osborne, Dale K. The Impact of Reserve-Requirement and Discount-Rate Changes on Banks’ Stock Returns
Summer 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Johnson Kenneth H. PhD Gray, Donald M. CD and Ultraviolet Absorption Studies of RNAs
Summer 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Chemistry Hale Stephanie J. D.Chem Hrncir, Duane C. Synthesis, Structure and Lewis Acid Adducts of Silicon Alkoxide Macrocycles
Summer 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Chemistry Sink Ralph Merritt D.Chem Sherry, A. Dean Synthesis and Characterization of a Series of Macrocyclic Chelates Containing N and O Donors: Prospects for Use as NMR Shift Agents for Alkali Cations
Summer 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Chemistry Wells Mark Richard D.Chem Melton, Lynn A. Temperature Measurements of Falling Droplets
Summer 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Ghanayem Mohamed F. PhD Netzer, Sharon Removal of Heavy Metals from Aqueous Solutions by Soils
Summer 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Torkian Ayoub V. PhD Warwick, John J. The Impact of Denitrification on In-Stream Dissolved Oxygen Concentration
Summer 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Wyman Bruce Charles PhD Lutz, Raymond P. A Risk Model for Hazardous Material Transportation Spills in Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana
Summer 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Harry Dennis Lee PhD Ferguson, John F. Lithospheric Flexure: Applications of Geophysical Inverse Theory and Empirical Studies of Rock Deformation
Summer 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Mathematical Sciences Igwe Jerome Okwuchukwu PhD Statistics Odell, Patrick L. Some Matrix Identities and Orderings Applicable to Combining Multivariate Estimators
Summer 1989 Social Sciences Political Economy Formaini Robert Lewis PhD Redlinger, Lawrence J. Objectivity and Subjectivity in Social Science: A Critical Appraisal of Selected Theory, Method and Policy
Summer 1989 Social Sciences Political Economy Hamadah Muhammad Mumtaz PhD Redlinger, Lawrence J. Impact of Foreign Loans, Grants, Food Aid and Military Aid on Economic Growth in Jordan