1989-1990 doctoral degrees awarded

Fall 1989 total: 30

Spring 1990 total: 21

Summer 1990 total: 19

Semester Year School Department Last Name First Name Degree Major Supervising Professor Dissertation Title
Fall 1989 Arts and Humanities Humanities Billingslea-Brown Alma Jean PhD Graff, Harvey J. The Folk Aesthetic in Contemporary African American Women’s Fiction and Visual Art
Fall 1989 Arts and Humanities Humanities Matthews, Jr. Merrill PhD Worsfold, Victor Robert Lewis Dabney and Conservative Thought in the Nineteenth-Century South: a Study in the History of Ideas
Fall 1989 Human Development Communication Disorders Ryan Jodell Newman PhD Moushegian, George Middle Latency Auditory Evoked Potentials as a Function of Age
Fall 1989 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Bane Mark Chapman PhD Gotts, Ernest A. A Comparison of Visually Evoked Potential and Preferential Looking Acuity Measures with Visually Impaired Children
Fall 1989 Management Management Science Chisamore Dale Brian PhD Anderson, Evan Factors Affecting Implementation of Personal Computer Decision Support Systems: a Structural Equation Model
Fall 1989 Management Management Science Costa Adelmiro Diniz PhD Briggs, Ronald Security and Privacy in Statistical Databases: The Use of Point Distortion with Implications for Users
Fall 1989 Management Management Science Iyengar V. Revathi PhD Hwang, Syming Allocation of Database Files in a Multiprocessor Machine
Fall 1989 Management Management Science Sutton, Jr. Walter Langford PhD Buchholz, Rogene A. Occupational Disease: a Study of Approaches to a Workmen’s Compensation Dilemma
Fall 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Hood Jill Ellen VanWart PhD Cell and Molecular Biology Burr, John G. Investigation of the Mechanism by which TPCK and Quercetin Act Synergistically with Vandate to Increase the Level of Protein Tyrosine Phosphorylation in Chicken Embryo Fibroblasts
Fall 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Liaw Gwo-Jen PhD Miller, Dennis L. Expression of Two Yeast Mitochondrial tRNA Genes
Fall 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Pierce Dennis Jerome PhD Werbin, Harold Cellular Mitochondrial DNA Content is Related to Nuclear DNA Content Under a Variety of Environmental Conditions
Fall 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Shaw Lynn Calvin PhD Cell and Molecular Biology Miller, Dennis L. Variations in the Structure and Expression of the tRNA Synthesis Locus in Mitochondria of Saccharomyces
Fall 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Argento Vittorio Karl PhD Crowder, Jerry W. Factors Influencing Concentrations of Ambient Ozone
Fall 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Bowman J. Thomas PhD Moore, Jr., Joe G. Uncertainty of Air Pollution Emergency Response Models Using Monte Carlo Analysis
Fall 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Lynch James David PhD Moore, Jr., Joe G. Reducing the Environmental Effects of Electric Power Generation: Federal Policies and Technological Development
Fall 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Phillips Pamela Caroline PhD Fenyves, Ervin Public Policy Decisions when Scientific Evidence is Disputed: Forest Wilderness Areas and Control of the Southern Pine Beetle
Fall 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Ready Mollie Armstrong PhD Britton, Wayne Formaldehyde and Formaldehyde Oligomer Distribution in Bioassay Test Systems
Fall 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Romig Randall Robert PhD Lanza, Guy R. The Effect of Temperature and Deposition in Reservoir Sediments or Water on the Viability of Cultured Giardia Lamblia Cysts as Determined by Fluorogenic Dyes
Fall 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Rought Barry Glenn PhD Moore, Jr., Joe G. The Relationship of Water to Community Growth: a Comparative Study of Four Texas Counties and Their County Seats
Fall 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Saxion Howard Joseph PhD Moore, Jr., Joe G. Environmental Decisions in the Public Policy Arena: Protection of Texas Bays and Estuaries and the Freshwater Inflow Issue
Fall 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Anderson Richard G. PhD McMechan, George A. Methods for Reducing Noise on Reflection Seismograms
Fall 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Carlsen Theodore W. PhD Longoria, Jose F. Regional Geologic Studies in a Wrench Tectonic Regime: Iturbide Quadrangle, Eastern Front, Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexico
Fall 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Lin Ping-Nan PhD Stern, Robert J. Isotopic and Trace Element Geochemistry of Lavas from the Northern Mariana Arc and Southern Volcano Arc
Fall 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Monreal Rogelio PhD Longoria, Jose F. Regional Stratigraphic Studies of the Lower Cretaceous in Northern Mexico and the Southern United States
Fall 1989 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Coogan, Jr. John Joseph PhD Collins, Carl B. A Flash X-Ray Source Driven by Stacked Blumleins Producing 500keV Photons
Fall 1989 Social Sciences Political Economy Hall Judith Carol Pengra PhD Armour, Philip K. The Effects of Public Policy Reform on Medicare-Covered Home Health Care Services
Fall 1989 Social Sciences Political Economy Ibe James Gaius PhD Berry, Brian J.L. Political Instability and Economic Development in Africa: a Cross-National Analysis
Fall 1989 Social Sciences Political Economy Shih Steve Ting-Hwei PhD Hoch, Irving The Effect of Changes in Federal Income Tax Rates on Homeowner Income and Value of Owner-Occupied Housing
Fall 1989 Social Sciences Political Economy Shuan Yuan PhD Farkas, George Teacher Characteristics and Student Success
Fall 1989 Social Sciences Political Economy Waddell Paul Allen PhD Berry, Brian J.L. Factors Determining Household Choices of Residence, Workplace and Housing Tenure: The Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, 1980
Spring 1990 Arts and Humanities Humanities Brown Peggy A. PhD Kratz, Dennis M. The Visionary I: Translation, Photography and the Art of Education
Spring 1990 Arts and Humanities Humanities DePryck Koen PhD Aesthetic Studies Argyros, Alex A World of Language
Spring 1990 Arts and Humanities Humanities Hill Patricia Evridge PhD History of Ideas Graff, Harvey J. Origins of Modern Dallas, 1841-1990
Spring 1990 Arts and Humanities Humanities Kahn Anna Lee PhD Rabe, Stephen A Thematic Study of the Female Figures in Late Classic Maya Vessel Paintings
Spring 1990 Arts and Humanities Humanities Robertson Olivia Pauline PhD Kratz, Dennis M. Frankenstein as the Permeative Myth of the Twentieth Century
Spring 1990 Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Lee Shiang-Jen Angela PhD Chan, Mee Yee Fault-Tolerance in Hypercubes
Spring 1990 Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Sang Fuh-Ching PhD Sudborough, Ivan Hal Simulating Large Mesh Networks by Small Ones
Spring 1990 Human Development Human Development and Communication Disorders Tubbs Ann Adele Haynes PhD Coleman, J. Michael Setting Specific Interaction of Popular and Rejected Mildly Handicapped Children Who Have Been Mainstreamed
Spring 1990 Management Management Science Li Jingwen PhD Niu, Shun-Chen Sample-Average Analyses of Some Generalizations of the M/G/I Queue
Spring 1990 Management Management Science Segovis James Courtney PhD Bhagat, Rabi S. An Investigation into the Structure of Work Related Coping: a Grounded Theory Approach
Spring 1990 Management Management Science Sewell Susan Parkhurst PhD Merville, Larry J. An Investigation of the Process Describing Stock Returns
Spring 1990 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Jones Elsy Perez PhD Cell and Molecular Biology Miller, Dennis L. Structural Variations in the Mitochondrial DNA of Physarum Polycephalum
Spring 1990 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Mahendran Ratha PhD Cell and Molecular Biology Miller, Dennis L. Structure and Expression of Protein-Coding Genes on the Mitochondrial DNA of Physarum Polycephalum
Spring 1990 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Spottswood Matthew R. PhD Miller, Dennis L. The Transcription and Evolution of the Mitochondrial DNA of Physarum Polycephalum
Spring 1990 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Chemistry Cannon David Keith D.Chem Hrncir, Duane C. Synthetic Approaches to Four Coordinate Heteroleptic Zirconasiloxanes
Spring 1990 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Lynch James David PhD Moore, Jr., Joe G. Reducing the Environmental Effects of Electric Power Generation: Federal Policies and Technological Development
Spring 1990 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Environmental Sciences Miller Patricia PhD Lutz, Raymond P. Elementary Models Relating Sand Body Interconnection to Hydrodynamic Properties of Heterogeneous Fluvial Aquifers
Spring 1990 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Mathematical Sciences Richardson Paul Alton PhD Applied Mathematics Hooshyar, M.A. Construction of Central, Spin-Orbit and L2-Dependent Potentials
Spring 1990 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Chu Danny PhD Cantrell, C.D. Laser Propagation in 235UF6
Spring 1990 Social Sciences Political Economy Kim Cheon-Kwuan PhD Berry, Brian J.L. Diversity and Stability in the Growth of U.S. Metropolitan Regions
Spring 1990 Social Sciences Political Economy Morchower Barbara Mae Phelps PhD Champagne, Anthony The Political System’s Response to Crisis Conditions: Case Study of Texas’ Water Policy for Irrigated Agriculture in the High Plains Region
Summer 1990 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Bhatia Dinesh Kumar PhD Makedon, Fillia Wafer Scale Integration of Mesh Connected Architectures
Summer 1990 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Cho Sang PhD Huynh, Dung T. Parallel Complexity of Decision Problems in Automata Theory
Summer 1990 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Peng Chang-Shyh PhD Sudborough, Ivan Hal Simulation Problems in Parallel Networks
Summer 1990 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Tam Wingcheung PhD Leung, Joseph Y-T. Message Routing in Distributed Real-Time Systems
Summer 1990 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Wong Chin Siong PhD Leung, Joseph Y-T. Scheduling Algorithms for Imprecise Computation in Real-Time System
Summer 1990 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Hernandez Maria D. PhD Rupert, A.L. An Investigation of Labile-Bound Zinc’s Role in Hippocampal Mossy Fiber Synaptosomes
Summer 1990 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Laljiani Karen Chandler PhD Moore, Bert S. Persuasion and Gender Schema: Cognitive Mechanisms of Attitude Change
Summer 1990 Management Management Science Morgan Michael S. PhD Bass, Frank M. Heterogeneity in Brand Choice Under the Zero-Order Assumption: a Theoretical, Behavioral and Empirical Investigation
Summer 1990 Management Management Science Seal Kala Chand PhD Chandrasekaran, R. Information Acquisition: Models and Algorithms
Summer 1990 Management Management Science Sridhar Swaminathan PhD Chandrasekaran, R. Continuous and Integer Solutions for Network Design Problems
Summer 1990 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Ping Ma Chu PhD Cell and Molecular Biology Rupert, Claud S. Structure and Transcriptional Control of PHR Promoters in Escherichia Coli K-12 Strains
Summer 1990 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Chemistry Ni Tu-Qiang D.Chem Melton, Lynn A. Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging:An Approach for Fuel Equivalence Ratio Imaging
Summer 1990 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Schwartzapfel Jon Adam PhD Pessagno, Jr., Emile A. Biostratigraphic Investigations of Late Paleozoic (Upper Devonian to Mississippian) Radiolaria Within the Arbuckle Mountains and Ardmore Basin of South-Central Oklahoma
Summer 1990 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Anderson Phillip Charles PhD Hanson, William B. The Ionospheric Signatures, Substorm Phase Relationship and Electrodynamics of Rapid Sub-Auroral Ion Drifts
Summer 1990 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Giordana Adriana PhD Glosser, Robert Photoreflectance Studies of Silicon on Insulator Structures
Summer 1990 Social Sciences Political Economy Akoum Ibrahim F. PhD Dumas, Lloyd J. Technological Change and Economic Performance: an Empirical Examination of the Newly Industrializing Countries
Summer 1990 Social Sciences Political Economy Alaribe Raymond Onyekwere PhD Champagne, Anthony M. Assessing the Determinants of Election Outcomes for Incumbent Judges in Texas
Summer 1990 Social Sciences Political Economy Chun Jin-Suk PhD Berry, Brian J.L. Interregional Migration and Regional Development
Summer 1990 Social Sciences Political Economy McKenzie James Lehr PhD Harpham, Edward J. Social Investing: a Jurimetric Approach to the Prudent Man Rule and ERISA