1992-1993 doctoral degrees awarded

Fall 1992 total: 14

Spring 1993 total: 20

Summer 1993 total: 15

Semester Year School Department Last Name First Name Degree Major Supervising Professor Dissertation Title
Fall 1992 Arts and Humanities Humanities Barker Mary Ann Tucker PhD Chandler, Joan McFarlin Auditorium, Dallas: An Analysis of Relationships between the Space and the Performances
Fall 1992 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Caspi Yuval PhD Dekel, Eliezer Algorithmic Tools and Algorithms on Graphs
Fall 1992 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Gudmundsson Gudni PhD Ntafos, Simeon On Problems in Over-the-Cell Routing
Fall 1992 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Hu Jie PhD Dekel, Eliezer Parallel Algorithms for Distributed Systems and Software Engineering
Fall 1992 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Electrical Engineering Becker Daniel Joseph PhD Linebarger, Darel Constrained Iterative Deconvolution Applied to Amplitude and Bearing Estimation of Coherent Sources
Fall 1992 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Everhart Vicki Suzanne PhD Watkins, Ruth W. The Development of Sign Language Use in Deaf Preschoolers and their Hearing Mothers
Fall 1992 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Ford Jean Benson PhD Ulatowska, Hanna K. Procedural Discourse in Alzheimer’s Disease and Old Elderly Individuals
Fall 1992 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Wallace Vesta Elizabeth PhD Finitzo, Terese Quantitative Topographic Analysis of Flash Visual Evoked Potentials in Homonymous Hemianopsia Secondary to Cerebral Artery Infarct
Fall 1992 Management Management Science Popkowski-Leszczyc Peter T. PhD Bass, Frank M. Investigating the effects of unobserved heterogeneity in stochastic models of consumer choice: a hazard model approach
Fall 1992 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Moore John Barron PhD Molecular and Cell Biology Reitzer, Lawrence J. Alterations of Highly Conserved Residues in the Regulatory Domain of Nitrogen Regulator I (NtrC) of Escherichia coli
Fall 1992 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Cooper Bonnie Lois PhD Carter, James L. Applications of Electromagnetic Radiation for Exploration of Lunar Regolith for Potential Resources
Fall 1992 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Estrera Joseph Paul PhD Glosser, Robert High Precision Correlation of Fundamental Parameters for Bulk in Ga As on InP and In Ga As Hemt Structures Using Photoluminescence, X-Ray Diffraction, Photoreflectance and Raman Spectroscopy
Fall 1992 Social Sciences Political Economy Alexandrakis Emmanuel PhD Berry, Brian J.L. Master Planning, Amenities and Property Values: Interactions in North Suburban Dallas
Fall 1992 Social Sciences Political Economy Ballout Hassan I. PhD Berry, Brian J.L. Determinants of Executive Compensation
Spring 1993 Arts and Humanities Humanities Burns, Sr. John Lanier PhD History of Ideas Soliday, Gerald Justice in Thomas More
Spring 1993 Arts and Humanities Humanities Schafer Carol A. PhD Aesthetic Studies Corrigan, Robert The Mediated Self: Tragedy and Heroism in Late Twentieth Century United States
Spring 1993 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Chen Cheng-Hsi Jesse PhD Tollis, Ioannis G. Area Optimization for Floorplan Designs
Spring 1993 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Ouyang Wen PhD Kim, Whoi-Yul Solving Distributed System Problems in Parallel
Spring 1993 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Electrical Engineering Krenik William Robert PhD Degroat, Ronald D. High-Speed Current-to-Digital Interfaces
Spring 1993 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Alvares Robin Lee PhD Stillman, Robert Mothers’ Use of and Preverbal Infants’ Responses to Signals of Misunderstanding
Spring 1993 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Carbery Julie Dryden PhD Buhrmester, Duane The Changing Significance of Friendship Across Three Young Adult Phases
Spring 1993 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences McGiboney Keri Elizabeth PhD Coleman, J. Michael An Examination of Loneliness Among Aggressive and Withdrawn Children
Spring 1993 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences McHam Laura Angevine PhD Coleman, J. Michael Similarities and Differences in Social Perceptions of Learning Disabled, Low-Achieving and Normally Achieving Elementary School Children
Spring 1993 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Miller Susan D. PhD Watson, Ben C. Multiple Measures of Anxiety and Psychophysical Arousal in Stutterers and Non-Stutterers
Spring 1993 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Parsons Sharon Day PhD Ulatowska, Hanna K. Deixis in Aphasic Language
Spring 1993 Management Management Science Eggleston Kathryn Ann Kiefer PhD Harrison, Richard J. Performance and Survival in the Hospital Industry: Organizational Response to PPS
Spring 1993 Management Management Science Kauffman Ralph Gerald PhD Bass, Frank M. Implications of Product Type, Product Application and Buying Environment for Industrial Market Segmentation, Product Design and Marketing Strategy: A Conjoint Approach
Spring 1993 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Chemistry Welch Alice Anne D.Chem Zarzycki, Ryszard The Synthesis of Bismidazolium Anion Receptors
Spring 1993 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Collier Hughbert Arnold PhD Carter, James L. Borehole Geophysical Techniques for Determining the Water Quality and Reservoir Parameters of Fresh and Saline Water Aquifers in Texas
Spring 1993 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Hildebrand Steve Thomas PhD McMechan, George Full-Wavefield Inversion for 1-D Acoustic and Elastic Media
Spring 1993 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Mathematical Sciences Lam Tuan Hoang PhD Applied Mathematics Hooshyar, M.A. Three Dimensional Inverse Problems of the Acoustic Wave Equation
Spring 1993 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Mathematical Sciences Torres Lorenzo Justo PhD Applied Mathematics Turi, Janos Approximation of Optimal Control Problems for Nonlinear Neutral Functional Differential Equations
Spring 1993 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Mathematical Sciences Chen Zhenmin PhD Statistics Van Ness, John Clustering Admissibility for a General Family of Agglomerative Algorithms
Spring 1993 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Orgeron Joseph Anthony PhD Fenyves, Ervin J. Neural Networks as First Level Triggers in Scintillating Fiber Devices
Summer 1993 Arts and Humanities Humanities Davis Derek Hamilton PhD History of Ideas Redman, Tim Religion and the Continental Congress, 1774-1789
Summer 1993 Arts and Humanities Humanities Madriguera Enric F. PhD Aesthetic Studies Rodriquez, Robert X. The Hispanization of the Guitar: From the Guitarra Latina to the Guitarra Espanola
Summer 1993 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Heydari Mohammad Hossain PhD Sudborough, I. Hal The Pancake Problem
Summer 1993 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Tsoukalas Markos Z. PhD Ntafos, Simeon On Mission Planning and Software Reliability
Summer 1993 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Electrical Engineering Munoz Michael PhD Linebarger, Darel Properties and Enhancements of Sensor Array Based High Resolution Direction Estimation Methods for Correlated Signals
Summer 1993 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Electrical Engineering Tseng Yi-Chyun PhD Linebarger, Darel Identification, Implementation and Applications of Discrete-Time Linear-Quadratic Systems
Summer 1993 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Mandava Pitchaiah PhD Moushegian, George Vowel Sequence Processing by Cochlear Nucleus Neurons
Summer 1993 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Searcy Jean PhD Bartlett, James C. Inversion and the Processing of Parts and Wholes in Face Perception
Summer 1993 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Ziegler Lynn Richard PhD Dowling, W. Jay The Perception of Motion in Depth From Optic Flow: Psychophysical Evidence for Modularity
Summer 1993 Management International Management Studies Kroder Stanley Lawrence PhD Brittain, Jack Organizational Ecology and Strategic Choice in the Independent Telephone Industry in Texas
Summer 1993 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Chemistry Newton Mark David D.Chem Balkus, Kenneth J. Electroactive Polymer/Composite Membranes for Gas Separations
Summer 1993 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Abdel-Salam Mohamed Gamal PhD Stern, Robert J. Tectonic Evolution of the Late Precambrian Nakasib Suture and Oko Shear Zone, Red Sea Hills, Sudan
Summer 1993 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Mathematical Sciences Tang Sen PhD Statistics Kimeldorf, George The Asymptotic Distributions of Max and Min t Statistics for Two-Sample Ordinal Data
Summer 1993 Social Sciences Political Economy Ewoh Andrew Ikeh Emmanuel PhD Elliott, Euel W. Industrial Structure, Campaign Contributions and Policy Outcomes
Summer 1993 Social Sciences Political Economy Martin Pamela Smith PhD Hoch, Irving Hospital Quality and Cost: Response to Federal Legislation