1993-1994 doctoral degrees awarded

Fall 1993 total: 20

Spring 1994 total: 22

Summer 1994 total: 26

Semester Year School Department Last Name First Name Degree Major Supervising Professor Dissertation Title
Fall 1993 Arts and Humanities Humanities Grygny Jeffrey Philip PhD Aesthetic Studies Curchack, Fred I./Tuana, Nancy Playing Out: Practices and Views of Contemplative Performance
Fall 1993 Arts and Humanities Humanities Procter Alice Seawright PhD Aesthetic Studies Sakai, Kazuya Color Confrontations: The Reconstructions of Color Interactions as a New Medium for Visual Arts
Fall 1993 Arts and Humanities Humanities Kennedy Joan Marlene PhD Studies in Literature Kratz, Dennis M. The Philosophic Picaresque from Lazarillo de Tormes to Camus’s The Plague
Fall 1993 Management Management Science Matayanant Chatchalit PhD Brittain, Jack Acquisition: An Empirical Investigation of Uncertainty Reduction
Fall 1993 Management Management Science Shin Hyunrin PhD Merville, Larry J. An Empirical Investigation of Mean Reversion in Financial Markets
Fall 1993 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Bau Mu-Yeh PhD Molecular and Cell Biology Draper, Rockford K. Membrane Traffic in Non-Polarized Mammalian Cells
Fall 1993 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Powell Michael David PhD Molecular and Cell Biology Gray, Donald M. Circular Dichroism of the Wild Type and Y22F Mutant DNA Binding Protein of Filamentous Phage PF3
Fall 1993 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Ting Yuan-Tsang PhD Molecular and Cell Biology Burr, John G. Purification of a Tyrosine Phosphorylated Membrane Protein
Fall 1993 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Chemistry Zhou Lingwen D.Chem Zarzycki, Ryszard A Naphthalene Cyclophane as a Selective Enolate Anion Receptor
Fall 1993 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Ferring Charles Reid PhD Soegaard, Kristian Late Quaternary Geology of the Upper Trinity River Basin, Texas
Fall 1993 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Kimbell Tod Nelson PhD Soegaard, Kristian Sedimentology and Diagenesis of Late Pleistocene Fore-Reef Calcarenites, Barbados, West Indies: A Geochemical and Petrographic Investigation of Mixing Zone Diagenesis
Fall 1993 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Yang Qingming PhD Nielsen, Kent C. Deformation of the Broken Bow Uplift, Ouachita Mountains, Southeast Oklahoma
Fall 1993 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Bhawalkar Jayant D. PhD Colllins, Jr., Carl B. High Power, Repetitive, Stacked Blumlein Pulse Generators Commuted by a Single Switching Element
Fall 1993 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Criss, Jr. Robert Randolph PhD Cunningham, Austin J. The Role of Residual Casting Solvent in Determining the Lithographic and Dissolution Behavior of Poly(methlymethacrylate), a Positive Electron Beam
Fall 1993 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Hong Chinsoo PhD Colllins, Jr., Carl B. Measurements of Short-lived Isomers with a Gated Detector
Fall 1993 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Nelson Gregory Scott PhD Chaney, Roy C. Sensitivity, Efficiency, and Transakial Resolution Measurements of a Prototype PET Module Incorporating Plastic Scintillating Fibers
Fall 1993 Social Sciences Political Economy Eag-ark Santiya PhD Berry, Brian J.L. Business Cycles and the Dynamics of the Housing Market: the Filtering Process in Dallas County, 1981-1990
Fall 1993 Social Sciences Political Economy Marshall Kevin S. PhD Hanson, Royce Administered Protection: The Political Economy of U.S. Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Regulation
Fall 1993 Social Sciences Political Economy Sumanun Pornpong PhD Berry, Brian J.L. The Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth and Modernization
Fall 1993 Social Sciences Political Economy Weir Dorothea Alice PhD Farkas, George School Resources, Classroom Content, and Student Achievement in the Primary Grades
Spring 1994 Arts and Humanities Humanities Paster James Erwin PhD Aesthetic Studies Turner, Frederick Snapshot Magic: Ritual, Realism, Recall
Spring 1994 Arts and Humanities Humanities Tucker Barbara Gerry PhD History of Ideas Channell, David The Role of Metaphors in the Shift to a Quantal Paradigm
Spring 1994 Arts and Humanities Humanities Fitzsimmons Lorna PhD Studies in Literature Ozsvath, Zsuzsanna Apocalyptic Metaphors in John Ford’s The Hurricane and Other American Films of the 1930’s
Spring 1994 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Electrical Engineering Mao Tom Rongqiang PhD Fonseka, John P. Nonlinear Multi-H Phase Codes for Continuous Phase Frequency Shifting Keying Modulation
Spring 1994 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Kwak Seyeul PhD Dowling, Walter J. Mental Representations of Nonmusicians and Musicians for Pitches, Chords, and Musical Keys
Spring 1994 Management Management Science Arjunji Ramesh PhD Bass, Frank M. Retailer’s Optimal Response to Trade Deals: An Analysis Under Uncertainty
Spring 1994 Management Management Science Krishnan Trichy V. PhD Bass, Frank M. Optimal Marketing Mix Policies for New Product Introduction
Spring 1994 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Hung Su-Hwi PhD Molecular and Cell Biology Gray, Donald M. CD and Ultraviolet Absorption Studies of DNA-RNA Hybrid Duplexes and Triplexes
Spring 1994 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Chemistry Kim Won Dae D.Chem Sherry, A. Dean The Development of Pyridine Containing Macrocyclic Chelates for Measurement of Free Magnesium (II) in Biological Systems
Spring 1994 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Chemistry Musmanni Sergio D.Chem Sherry, A. Dean Preparation and Electrochemical Studies on Organic Conducting Polymers Based on I,3-Di-(2-Thienyl)Benzo[C]heterocycles
Spring 1994 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Zhengxin Dong PhD McMechan, George A. Seismic Modeling and Migration for 3-D Anisotropic Media
Spring 1994 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Kang Ik Bum PhD McMechan, George A. Simulation and Estimation of Viscoelastic and Scattering Effects in Seismic Data
Spring 1994 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Cumnock Judy Anne PhD Heelis, Roderick A. The High Latitude Ionospheric Convection Pattern During Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field
Spring 1994 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Friedrich II John Robert PhD Fenyves, Ervin J. B�-B� Mixing Study for a Fixed Target Proton Beam Experiment
Spring 1994 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Gary James Bennett PhD Heelis, Roderick A. Application of Poynting Flux Measurements
Spring 1994 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Keating Christopher Francis PhD Heelis, Roderick A. Characterisation of the Geometries of the High-Latitude Ionospheric Convection Pattern
Spring 1994 Social Sciences Political Economy Boortz Charles C.L. PhD Berry, Brian J.L. Boom and Bust in Dallas, 1983-1993: A Case Study
Spring 1994 Social Sciences Political Economy Chang Gang PhD Berry, Brian J.L. Savings, Investment and Economic Growth in Developing Countries: Financial Repression Theory Reevaluated
Spring 1994 Social Sciences Political Economy Chung Kyoun-Sup PhD Berry, Brian J.L. Hedonic Models of Housing Prices: A Critical Appraisal of the Assumptions
Spring 1994 Social Sciences Political Economy Frederick Douglas Weldon PhD Champagne, Anthony M. Reconsidering the Theory of Capture: An Empirical Examination of the Texas Railroad Commission
Spring 1994 Social Sciences Political Economy Nason Meryl Gordon PhD Scotch, Richard Social Movement Organizations and the Mobilization Process
Spring 1994 Social Sciences Political Economy Oke Okeniyi Ayinla PhD Berry, Brian J.L. Sources of Productivity Change in Nigerian Agriculture, 1966-1985
Summer 1994 Arts and Humanities Humanities Goode Dianne Helen Diez PhD Stott, Deborah The Marian Narrative Altarpiece in Trecento, Italy
Summer 1994 Arts and Humanities Humanities Berliner Donna Gaye PhD Studies in Literature Kratz, Dennis M. The Female Romantic Imagination
Summer 1994 Arts and Humanities Humanities Hatano Yoko Hosoya PhD Studies in Literature Hambly, Gavin R. The “Admirable Woman” and the Barsetshire Tradition
Summer 1994 Arts and Humanities Humanities Sween Gretchen Sims PhD Studies in Literature Ozsvath, Zsuzsanna Dramatic Anguish: Aesthetic and Ethical Tensions in Theatre of the Holocaust
Summer 1994 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Electrical Engineering Aicklen Gregory Hale PhD Tamil, Lakshman Soliton-Soliton Interaction in Dielectric Waveguides with Saturable Nonlinearity
Summer 1994 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Electrical Engineering Fernando Chenjing Lucille PhD Frensley, William R. Numerical Modeling of High Frequency Characteristics and Resonant States of Tunneling Heterostructure Devices
Summer 1994 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Electrical Engineering Fu Zuqiang PhD Dowling, Eric M. Conjugate Gradient Subspace Tracking and Real Time Subspace Tracking Array Architectures
Summer 1994 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Electrical Engineering Ye Hao PhD DeGroat, Ronald D. Maximum Likelihood Spectral Estimation and Signal Detection on the Presence of Unknown Colored Noise
Summer 1994 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Electrical Engineering Yu Yisheng PhD Tamil, Lakshman Analysis of Nonlinear Periodic and Aperiodic Media: Application to Optical Logic Gates
Summer 1994 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Becker Joseph Henry PhD Moushegian, George Auditory and Visual P-300 – The Effect of Stimulus Modality and Task
Summer 1994 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Shoup-Pecenka Angela G. PhD Moushegian, George/Rupert, Allen The Distribution of Auditory Evoked Scalp Potentials Resulting From Interaural Level and Interaural Time Differences
Summer 1994 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Soria Maria Rebeca PhD Gerken, George M./Srebro, Richard Evoked Potential Scalp Fields Distinguish Between Parallel and Serial Visual Searches in Normal Humans
Summer 1994 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Westbrook Janice Bernice Davis PhD Friel-Patti, Sandy The Effect of a Structured Adult-Child Interaction on the Language and Fluency of Fluent Preschoolers
Summer 1994 Management International Management Studies Mueller Stephen L. PhD Guisinger, Stephen E. Winners and Losers in the Battle for Market Share: An Ecological Model of International Competition in Global Industries
Summer 1994 Management Management Science Eldredge Brett PhD Ford, David L. A Test of a Model of Group Effectiveness
Summer 1994 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Bau Mu-Yeh PhD Molecular and Cell Biology Draper, Rockford Membrane Traffic in Non-Polarized Mammalian Cells
Summer 1994 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Chen Po PhD Molecular and Cell Biology Reitzer, Lawrence J. Analysis of the Structure and Function of a Prokaryotic Enhancer Binding Protein: Nitrogen Regulator I
Summer 1994 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biology Dorris David Richard PhD Molecular and Cell Biology Hannig, Ernest M. Characterization of Mutations that Alter the Function of elF-2 in the Yeast Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
Summer 1994 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Chemistry Rodriguez Santiago D.Chem Goux, Warren Determination of the Chemical Composition of Alzheimer’s Disease Pair Helical Filaments
Summer 1994 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Chemistry Strickland Alan Douglas D.Chem Sherry, A. Dean Molecular mechanics study of a group of nitrogenous compounds
Summer 1994 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Mathematics Lai Dejian PhD Statistics Wang, Xiaobao/Wiorkowski, John Contributions to Nonlinear Time Series Analysis
Summer 1994 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Chen David Zhi PhD Cantrell, Cyrus D. Chaotic Time Evolution of the Higgs Field
Summer 1994 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Park Hwantae PhD Collins, Carl B. Protective Coatings of Nanophase Diamond Prepared By a Laser Plasma Discharge Source
Summer 1994 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics You Jonghun PhD Collins, Carl B. Mechanical and Optical Characterizations of Nanophase Diamond Films Prepared By a Laser Plasma Discharge Source
Summer 1994 Social Sciences Political Economy Kim Hak-Min PhD Berry, Brian J.W. Globalization of International Financial Markets: Causes and Consequences
Summer 1994 Social Sciences Political Economy Pi Chung-Ron PhD Berry, Brian J.W. Expression of Culture in Economic Development