2000-2001 doctoral degrees awarded

Fall 2000 total: 24

Spring 2001 total: 22

Summer 2001 total: 23

Semester Year School Department Last Name First Name Degree Major Supervising Professor Dissertation Title
Fall 2000 Arts and Humanities Humanities Mills Jimmie Farris PhD Nelsen, Robert S. Disneyland Closes at Thirty-Five:  Integrating the Principles of Existential Philosophy Within the Novel
Fall 2000 Arts and Humanities Humanities Perkins Caroline Courtney PhD History of Ideas Chandler, Joan/Worsfold, Victor Living Responsibly in Community:  Wendell Berry’s Port William Fiction
Fall 2000 Arts and Humanities Humanities Hinson Ellen Marcia PhD Studies in Literature Turner, Frederick Merciful Justice in Shakespeare’s Plays:  A Rebuttal to His Critics
Fall 2000 Arts and Humanities Humanities Koppany-Moore Marta PhD Studies in Literature Ozsvath, Zsuzsanna Ornaments of Pain and Survival:  A Historical and Literary Analysis of Central European Literature
Fall 2000 Arts and Humanities Humanities Voskuil Caryn Maureen PhD Studies in Literature Argyros, Alexander Moving Beyond Feminism – Toward a New Ideology of Gender
Fall 2000 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Castello Rodolfo PhD Mili, Rym From Informal Specification to Formalization:  An Automated Visualization Approach
Fall 2000 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Chadwick Steve Patrick PhD Schweitzer, Haim Improving Classification Accuracy by Using Confidence Measures To Combine Classifiers
Fall 2000 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Six Janet May PhD Tollis, Ioannis G. Vistool:  A Tool for Visualizing Graphs
Fall 2000 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Electrical Engineering Hellums James Roger PhD Frensley, William R. Time Domain Quantum Transport in Open Dissipative Systems
Fall 2000 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Electrical Engineering Khater Marwan H. PhD Overzet, Lawrence J. Characterization of Transmission Line Effects and Ion-Ion Plasma Formation in an Inductively Coupled Plasma Etch Reactor
Fall 2000 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Hesse Patricia Anne S. PhD Gerken, George M. Brainstem and Cortical Potentials Evoked by Varying Intensities and Frequencies in Normal Hearing and  Hearing-Impaired Subjects
Fall 2000 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Mitchell Bartley David PhD Cauller, Lawrence J. Effects of Adenoviral BDNF Glial Transduction on Rat Neocortical Cells In Vitro and In Transplantation to the Adult Rat Neocortex
Fall 2000 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Cardenas-Schaller Ana PhD Marchman, Virginia A. Links Among Demographic Characteristics, Acculturation, Cultural Values and Maternal Behavior in a Mexican and Mexican American Sample
Fall 2000 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Chemistry Dam Thuc Hieu D.Chem Ferraris, John P. Electrochromic Properties of Dual and Hybrid Ink-Jet Printed Electrochromic Devices Containing Combinations of Polyaniline/PVME, Poly (N-Methypyrrole)/ PVME and Poly (3/3 Thienyl) Propanesulfonate
Fall 2000 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Chemistry Lupo Darell J. D.Chem Sherry, A. Dean Changes in Triple Quantum Filtered Signal of Isolated Rat Hearts Do Not Necessarily Reflect Changes in Intracellular Sodium
Fall 2000 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Chemistry Michelini Luis Ivan D.Chem Ferraris, John P. Synthethis and Characterization of Donor-Acceptor LowBand Gap Polymers
Fall 2000 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Chemistry Reid Brian Douglas D.Chem Musselman, Inga Holl Composite Membranes for Gas Separations
Fall 2000 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Chemistry Riley Scott Jamieson D.Chem Ferraris, John P. Gas Permeability and Selectivity Studies of Pure Poly (3-[2,5,8 Trioxynonyl] Thiophene), PTONT and PTONT/Poly  (Ethylene Oxide) PEO Polymer Blend Films
Fall 2000 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Chemistry Shumburo Abdurahman Mahdi D.Chem Biewer, Michael C. Synthesis and Measurements of Thermal Decay Rates of 1′-Substituted 6-Nitro 3′,3′-Dimethyl Spiro (2 H-l-Benzopyran-2,2′- Indoline) in Organogels
Fall 2000 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Xu Xueming PhD Aiken, Carlos Three Dimensional Virtual Geology:  Photorealistic Outcrops and Their Acquisition, Visualization and Analysis
Fall 2000 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Chen Kuo-Cheng PhD Cantrell, Cyrus D. Effects of Laser Pulse Shape and Beam Profile on Electromagnetically-Induced Transparency
Fall 2000 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Harke Richard Eugene PhD Rindler, Wolfgang Scalar Field Collapse in Gauge Theory Gravity
Fall 2000 Social Sciences Political Economy DeLaurell Roxane Martha PhD Seldon, Barry J. Globalization of Regulation:  The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
Fall 2000 Social Sciences Political Economy Tunstall Thomas Nelson PhD Elliott, Euel/Hicks, Donald A. Firm Governance Mechanisms:  An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of Information Technology Outsourcing
Spring 2001 Arts and Humanities Humanities Cross Jane Monteze G. PhD Aesthetic Studies Worsfold, Victor L. Educating the Visual Imagination:  Paradigm and Process
Spring 2001 Arts and Humanities Humanities de Katzew Lilia Rotberg PhD Studies in Literature Schulte, Rainer Chicano Literature:  A Relentless Quest for Identity
Spring 2001 Arts and Humanities Humanities Edwards Dannah Lynn PhD Studies in Literature Redman, Tim Vorticism as a Corrective to Impressionism:  The Influence of Tristan Corbiere, Jules LaForgue, Remy de Gourmont and  Jules Romains on Ezra Pound’s Understanding of Ford Madox Ford’s “Prose Tradition” in Verse
Spring 2001 Arts and Humanities Humanities Seabaugh Jan M. PhD Studies in Literature Redman, Tim The Zero With a Thousand Faces:  Nobodies in Literature
Spring 2001 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Vuong Thai Hoa Pham PhD Huynh, Dung T. Algorithmic Study of Wireless Ad Hoc Network Problems
Spring 2001 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Zaruba Gergely Vid PhD Chlamtac, Imrich Link Activation Methods in Advanced Mobile Radio Networks
Spring 2001 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Zeng Helen J. PhD Chlamtac, Imrich Teletraffic Analysis and Channel Allocation for Personal Communication Systems
Spring 2001 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Electrical Engineering Kanakasabapathy Sivananda K. PhD Overzet, Lawrence J. Experimental Investigations Into Ion-Ion Plasma Formation and Negative Ion Extraction
Spring 2001 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Electrical Engineering Pas Sylvia Diana PhD Frensley, William R. Simulation of Clusters and Ostwald Ripening During Transient Enhanced Diffusion
Spring 2001 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Stickney Ginger S. PhD Assmann, Peter F. Analyses of Speech Processing Strategies for Cochlear Implants and the Effects of Electrode Interaction
Spring 2001 Management Management Science Rudin III John F. PhD Chandrasekaran, R. Improved Bounds for the Online Scheduling Problem
Spring 2001 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Molecular and Cell Biology Mou Tung-Chung PhD Gray, Donald M. The Influence of Sequence and Chemical Modification of Single-Stranded Oligonucleotides on Binding Properties of Bacteriophage Ff Gene 5 Protein
Spring 2001 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Corbeanu Rucsandra Maria PhD Bhattacharya, Janok P. Detailed Internal Architecture of Ancient Distributary Channel Reservoirs Using Ground-Penetrating Radar, Outcrop and Borehole Data – Case Studies:  Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Utah
Spring 2001 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Khan Shuhab Danishwar PhD Stern, Robert J. Field Relations, Geochemical, Isotopic and Age Studies of the Teru Volcanic Formation, Northern Kohistan Terrane, Pakistani Himalayas
Spring 2001 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Masterson IV Wilmer Dallam PhD Mitterer, Richard M. Petroleum Filling History of Central Alaskan North Slope Fields
Spring 2001 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Stephens Pamela Buzas PhD Pessagno, Jr., Emile A. Foraminiferal Analysis of Sediment Cores from Laguna Madre, Nueces Bay, the Arroyo Colorado and Laguna Atascosa:South Texas Coast
Spring 2001 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Birdwell Anthony Glen PhD Glosser, Robert Optical Properties of B-FeSi2,Ru2,Si3, and OsSi2:  Semiconducting Transition Metal Silicides
Spring 2001 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Collins Steve Edward PhD Glosser, Robert Optical Characterization of Stained In1-xGaxSb by Photoreflectance Spectroscopy
Spring 2001 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Pitassi Stefano PhD Glosser, Robert/Chaney, Roy C. Electrical and Optical Characterization of Non-Crystalline Silicon Used as Infrared Detector at Room Temperature
Spring 2001 Social Sciences Political Economy Guerrero Rodolfo Hernandez PhD Berry, Brian J.L. The Demographic Transition in Costa Rica and Venezuela
Spring 2001 Social Sciences Political Economy Kahende Jennifer W. PhD Hoch, Irving/Scotch, Richard HIV/Aids and Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa
Spring 2001 Social Sciences Political Economy Oney Daniel Clifford PhD Fass, Simon M. Benefit Cost Analysis in Environmental Protection Agency Rule Making
Summer 2001 Arts and Humanities Humanities Baity Linda Sullivan PhD Aesthetic Studies Schulte, Rainer Translating for Actors:  Strategies Derived from Incorporating the Actor’s Approach to Text into the Art and Craft of Drama Translation
Summer 2001 Arts and Humanities Humanities Perry Anne Gordon PhD Aesthetic Studies Turner, Frederick Souled Art:  The Convergence of Art and Religion in Baha ‘I Perspective
Summer 2001 Arts and Humanities Humanities Price John Alden PhD Aesthetic Studies Williamson, Linda/Soliday, Gerald Signs of Shakespeare:  Alternative Theory and Postmodern Practice
Summer 2001 Arts and Humanities Humanities Perry Carolyn Elaine PhD Studies in Literature Kratz, Dennis M. The Augustinian Confessional Tradition Transformed in Black Boy and Hunger of Memory
Summer 2001 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Jiang Yingtao PhD Wang, Yuke Design and Implementation of Low-Power ASIC Components
Summer 2001 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Remshagen Anja PhD Truemper, Klaus Learning for SAT and MINSAT, and Algorithms for Quantified SAT and MINSAT
Summer 2001 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Shields, Jr. Charles Oliver PhD Sudborough, Ivan Hal Area Efficient Layouts of Binary Trees in Grids
Summer 2001 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Zhang Taoyu PhD Sudborough, Ivan Hal Some Routing and Sorting Algorithms
Summer 2001 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Electrical Engineering Cai Qingzhong (James) PhD Fumagalli, Andrea Lightring:  An Integrated WDM Ring Network Solution for Optical Metropolitan Area Networks
Summer 2001 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Estes Rebecca Irene Reber PhD Jerger, James F. Electrophysiological Manifestations of Children Identified as Poor Listeners:  An Event Related Potential Study
Summer 2001 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Lippert Tonya Kaye PhD Granott, Nira Social Cognitive Advancement Among Adults:  When, How and Who
Summer 2001 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences McKinnon Lyn PhD Chapman, Sandra S. Working Memory Dual Task Processing in Children With Traumatic Brain Injury
Summer 2001 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Wambacq Ilse J.A. PhD Jerger, James F. Dynamic Electrophysiological Correlates of Affective Communication
Summer 2001 Management Management Science Kumar Subodha PhD Sriskandarajah, Chelliah Analytical and Metaheuristic Solutions for Emerging Scheduling Problems in e-Commerce and Robotics
Summer 2001 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Chemistry Scott Ashley Steven D.Chem Ferraris, John P. Performance Study of Various Carbon Substrates for Electrochemical Capacitors Using Poly3-(3,4-Difluorophenylthiophene)
Summer 2001 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Koesoemadinata Adam Parasara PhD McMechan, George A. Petro-Seismic Relations, Amplitude Versus Angle Curves and Petro-Seismic Inversion for Sandstone Properties
Summer 2001 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Alarfaj Esam PhD Glosser, Robert Characterization of Deep-Levels in Semiconductors by Photoreflectance Spectroscopy
Summer 2001 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Bishop Rebecca Lynn PhD Earle, Gregory D. Evolution and Dynamics of Ionospheric Intermediate Layers Above Arecibo Observatory
Summer 2001 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Huffman James D. PhD Cunningham, Austin J. Light Sensitivity of a One Transistor-One Capacitor Memory Cell When Used as a Micromirror Actuator in Projector Applications
Summer 2001 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Tatsch Charlotte Ann PhD Chaney, Roy C. Application of the Method of Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals for Calculating the Electronic Band Structure of Titanium Silicide
Summer 2001 Social Sciences Political Economy Kim EunMi PhD Berry, Brian J.L. The U.S. Export Administration Act:  Rationale and Role
Summer 2001 Social Sciences Political Economy Kim SongJune PhD Seldon, Barry J. Three Essays on Cigarette Consumption and Government Policy:  A Comprehensive Analysis of Economics and Political Economy
Summer 2001 Social Sciences Political Economy Rostran Alejandro PhD Berry, Brian J.L. An Inquiry into the Rationale for a Second Inter-Oceanic Canal in Central America