2001-2002 doctoral degrees awarded

Fall 2001 total: 26

Spring 2002 total: 16

Summer 2002 total: 16

Semester Year School Department Last Name First Name Degree Major Supervising Professor Dissertation Title
Fall 2001 Arts and Humanities Humanities Casad Dede Weldon PhD Schulte, Rainer The Lives and Legacies of Two Texas Governors Richard Coke and Lawrence Sullivan Ross Two Governors: A Comparative Study
Fall 2001 Arts and Humanities Humanities Neal Tara-Jane PhD History of Ideas Branson, Susan/Rabe, Stephen The Voice of the American Slave: A Quantified and Humanistic Comparison of Slavery in Texas and South Carolina
Fall 2001 Arts and Humanities Humanities Plummer Marguerite Reynolds PhD History of Ideas Branson, Susan/Wilson, Michael Public History and Public Awareness of History
Fall 2001 Arts and Humanities Humanities Sadri Farshad PhD History of Ideas Bambach, Charles Axiology, Soteriology and the Method of Inquiry
Fall 2001 Arts and Humanities Humanities Demello Marie Christiane PhD Studies in Literature Schulte, Rainer The Unfinished Mexican Revolution: Revisioning Interpretive Perspectives in “Literature and Film”
Fall 2001 Arts and Humanities Humanities Perryman John Hugon PhD Studies in Literature Redmon, Tim The Skeptical Patricians: Hawthorne, Adams, James, Eliot and the Emergence of American Modernism
Fall 2001 Arts and Humanities Humanities Pollack Norma C. PhD Studies in Literature Schulte, Rainer Into the Heart of Darkness: Transformation as the Key to Insight in Boudelaire’s “Le Balcon”
Fall 2001 Arts and Humanities Humanities Smith Viveca Holder PhD Studies in Literature Schulte, Rainer Interpretation and Meaning: Translating Sophocles’ Trachiniae
Fall 2001 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Benson Vladlena PhD Ntafos, Simeon The Remote Approach to Database Content Observation
Fall 2001 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Electrical Engineering Basagni Stefano PhD Chlamtac, Imrich Location Aware Protocols for Ad hoc Networks
Fall 2001 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Electrical Engineering Valcarenghi Luca PhD Fumagalli, Andrea Survivable IP-Over-WDM Networks
Fall 2001 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Rampy Susan Reamy PhD Abdi, Herve Somatosensory Evoked Potentials and Their Significance in Prognosis of Ambulation in Stroke-Induced Hemiparesis
Fall 2001 Management International Management Studies Sethi Deepak PhD Guisinger, Stephen E. (deceased)/Ford, Jr., David L. Liability of Foreignness to Competitive Advantage: An Empirical Study of Multinational Enterprise Strategies for Negotiating the International Business Environment
Fall 2001 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Molecular and Cell Biology Huffman Kenneth Edward PhD Levene, Stephen D. Electron Microscopy Studies of DNA Structures in FLP Site-Specific Recombination and Human Telomeres
Fall 2001 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Molecular and Cell Biology Kiupakis Alexandros K. PhD Reitzer, Lawrence J. Catabolic Pathways for Arginine and GABA, and Their Regulation in Escherichia coli
Fall 2001 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Chemistry Coutinho Decio Heringer D.Chem Balkus, Jr., Kenneth J. Synthesis and Modification of Mesoporous Silica and the Preparation of Molecular Sieve Thin Films Via Pulsed Laser Deposition
Fall 2001 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Chemistry Iyengar Suman A. D.Chem Biewer, Michael C. Synthesis and Photochromism of Benzospiropyranindolines Included in Gamma-Cyclodextrin
Fall 2001 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Chemistry Jin Eunsook Seo D.Chem Sherry, A. Dean Insignificant Inhibition of Gluconeogenesis InVivo Following a Glucose Load in Starved Rats
Fall 2001 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Geosciences Cross Edgar Kay PhD Pessagno, Jr., Emile A. Determination of Paleogeography and Depositional Environment within Phosphorite Bearing Remnants of the San Pedro Del Gallo Terrane in Northeastern Mexico
Fall 2001 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Mathematical Sciences Nita Bogdan George PhD Applied Mathematics Robinson, Ivor Pure Gravitional Radiation with Twisting Rays
Fall 2001 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Physics Croley, Jr. Richard Alton PhD Lou, Xinchou Search for Anomalous J/w Production In e+e- Annihilations at 4.03 GEV
Fall 2001 Social Sciences Political Economy Barclay April Michelle PhD Scotch, Richard K. The Effects of Managed Care on the Utilization of Mental Health Services
Fall 2001 Social Sciences Political Economy Dixon Donald Reeves PhD Tracy, Paul E. An Analysis of the Social Ecology of Violent Juvenile Crime
Fall 2001 Social Sciences Political Economy Dorantes Patricia Huesca PhD Berry, Brian J.L. The Emergence of Multiparty Competition in Mexican Politics
Fall 2001 Social Sciences Political Economy Owen James R. PhD Amin de Pineres, Sheila/Berry, Brian J.L. Currency Devaluation and Emerging Economy Export Demand
Fall 2001 Social Sciences Political Economy Rab Mohammed Abdur PhD Vijverberg, Wim Household Energy Demand in South Asia: An Approach Towards Discrete/Continuous Models
Spring 2002 Arts and Humanities Humanities Blanchard Mary Loving PhD Studies in Literature Turner, Frederick Under the Influence: Black American Women Writers Attempt the Pen
Spring 2002 Arts and Humanities Humanities Roberts Michelle Francoise PhD Studies in Literature Sobstyl, Edrie A Poetics of Being Two: Irigary’s Ethics of Sexual Difference and the Poetry of Yves Bonnefoy and Jorie Graham
Spring 2002 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Girju Corina Roxana PhD Moldovan, Dan Text Mining for Semantic Relations
Spring 2002 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science Myers Andrew Durkee PhD Syrotiuk, Violet/Chlamtac, Imrich Hybrid Mac Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Spring 2002 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Electrical Engineering Matzke Douglas James PhD Cantrell III, Cyrus D./Manthey, Michael Quantum Computation Using Geometric Algebra
Spring 2002 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Electrical Engineering Tacca Marco PhD Fumagalli, Andrea F. Differentiated Reliability in Wavelength Division Multiplexing Networks
Spring 2002 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Greenwald Ralf Rudiger PhD Jerger, James F. Neural Correlates of Hemispheric Asymmetry: Spectral and Intensity Discrimination of Complex Tones in Diotic and Dichotic Listening Modes
Spring 2002 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Posamentier Mette Toresen PhD Abdi, Herve Developmental Prosopagnosia: A Case Study
Spring 2002 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Seipel Amanda Helen PhD Bartlett, James C. Face-Processing Practice: A New Tool for Improving Eyewitness Identification
Spring 2002 Management International Management Studies Hanft Tracey Rockett PhD Okhuysen, Gerardo Familiarity in Organizations
Spring 2002 Natural Science and Mathematics Molecular and Cell Biology Chen Alice PhD Draper, Rockford K. COPI Independent Retrograde Transport and Golgi Function
Spring 2002 Natural Science and Mathematics Chemistry DeLeon Luis Manuel D.Chem Sherry, A. Dean Chemistry for the Controlled Location of DOTA Within a Peptide Sequence
Spring 2002 Natural Science and Mathematics Geosciences Yu Zhou PhD Ferguson, John F. Wavelet Transforms in Seismic Data Processing and Imaging
Spring 2002 Natural Science and Mathematics Mathematical Sciences Gill Ryan Scott PhD Statistics Baron, Michael Introduction to Generalized Broken-Line Regression
Spring 2002 Natural Science and Mathematics Mathematical Sciences Johnson Joel Lee PhD Applied Mathematics Constantinescu, Tiberiu Tensor Algebras, Displacement Structure and Some Classes of Stochastic Processes
Spring 2002 Social Sciences Political Economy Lee Yeonwoo PhD Hicks, Donald A. Schumpeterian Dynamics and Metropolitan-Scale Productivity
Summer 2002 Arts and Humanities Humanities Hansen Chad PhD History of Ideas Turner, Frederick The Five-Fifths of Myth
Summer 2002 Arts and Humanities Humanities Oyer-Owens Stephen Finley PhD History of Ideas Turner, Frederick Placing the Sacred Pipe: A Fractal Model for Lakota Ritual
Summer 2002 Arts and Humanities Humanities Benjet Rosalind PhD Studies in Literature Branson, Susan Identities Perceived, Identities Created: Jewish and Italian Immigrant Writers and Their Readers, 1900-1945
Summer 2002 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Electrical Engineering Cerutti Isabella PhD Fumagalli, Andrea Hybrid Wavelength Division Multiplexing Networks
Summer 2002 Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Electrical Engineering Staszewski Robert Bogdan PhD Balsara, Poris T. Digital Deep-Submicron CMOS Frequency Synthesis for RF Wireless Applications
Summer 2002 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Bharadwaj Sneha V. PhD Katz, William F. Role of Auditory Feedback in Speech Production by Cochlear Implant Users: Acoustic and Perceptual Analyses
Summer 2002 Human Development Human Development and Communication Sciences Greer Tracy Lynn PhD Thompson, Lucien T. The Use of Eyeblink Classical Conditioning and Latent Inhibition Paradigms in the Assessment of Cognitive Function in Clinical Depression
Summer 2002 Management Management Science Arugaslan Onur PhD Kieschnick, Jr., Robert L. Control Issues in Dual Class Firms and Their Implications
Summer 2002 Management Management Science Kao Yi-ching PhD Banker, Rajiv D./Chang, Hsihui Longitudinal and Externality Considerations in Evaluating Performance Impact of Information Technology
Summer 2002 Management Management Science Parssian Amir H. PhD Sarkar, Sumit/Jacob, Varghese S. Assessing Information Quality for Relational Databases
Summer 2002 Natural Science and Mathematics Chemistry Ebron Von Howard M. D.Chem Ferraris, John P. Novel Polymers and Composite Electrodes for Type III Electrochemical Capacitors
Summer 2002 Natural Science and Mathematics Chemistry Gutierrez-Gonzalez Jose Juan D.Chem Ferraris, John P. Synthesis of Diblock, Triblock and Star Copolymers of Poly (2-Dimethyloctylsilyl)-Phenylenevinylene (DMOS-PPV) and Poly [1-Methoxy-4-(2-Ethylhexyloxy)]-Phenylenevinylene (MEH-PPV)
Summer 2002 Natural Science and Mathematics Chemistry Madhugiri Sudha D.Chem Balkus, Jr., Kenneth J. Electrospun Molecular Sieve/Polymer Composite Fibers and Polyethyleneoxide/Hectorite/Carbon Nanotube Composite Fibers
Summer 2002 Natural Science and Mathematics Mathematical Sciences Flores Kathryn Louise PhD Applied Mathematics Ramakrishna, Viswanath Classical and Quantum Controls from Decomposition of Unitary Matrices
Summer 2002 Social Sciences Political Economy Greer John Robert PhD Berry, Brian J.L. Equity in the Spatial Distribution of Municipal Services: How to Operationalize the Concepts and Institutionalize a Program
Summer 2002 Social Sciences Political Economy Prasert Apichart PhD Elliott, Euel/Amin de Pineres, Sheila Political Business Cycles, Government Fiscal Policy and Macroeconomic Performance: A Case Study of Thailand